
Hi! Welcome to my blog, Parakeet Fluff! I have 2 parakeets named Winston and Cobalt. 

     This will be a blog about things I do with my parakeets and some fun stuff about parakeets. I plan on writing:
  • A page about how I take care of my parakeets
  • A page on convincing your parents to get a parakeet
  • Posts about things I do with my parakeets. 
  • Parakeet stories and crafts
  • Tips, info, ideas
     I plan on posting 3-6 times a week.

     You can follow this blog on its Facebook page:

     I started this blog so I could have fun and learn by writing and designing a blog. I hope the blog helps people have fun and learn things. It will also motivate me to take care of and pay attention to my parakeets better.

      I love birds. I learned about parakeets and really wanted one for a pet. I thought it would be so cool to hold it and stuff. My parents didn't really want any more pets. I researched how to convince your parents to get a pet. I researched all about parakeets and made a binder of how to take care of them and how much it would cost. Finally I finished. I convinced them and they said I could get a parakeet the day after Christmas. My parents got me a birdcage for my big Christmas present, and I saved up about 50 dollars to pay for a parakeet and its supplies.

     The day after Christmas came, and we went to the pet store. I picked a green and yellow one that was sitting in the food dish. I was pretty sure it was a boy. I wanted a boy because I read that they are more acrobatic and talk more. I bought the supplies and we set up his cage at home.

     I named him Winston. My friend suggested the name to me from a book she had read. I liked how it was the name of the cute yellow programming monster guy from Khan Academy.

     Winston was scared at first. I kept trying to go in and pet and feed him or whatever. That was not a good idea. Finally at night we turned the lights out and he started moving.

     I've had Winston for about 2 or 3 1/2 years I think maybe. He is old and is now almost all yellow except for the black feathers on his wings and tail. He is calmer than Cobalt I think.

     Later, I wanted another parakeet. I wanted it to be Winston's friend because I didn't give him very much attention. We went to the pet store and got a blue and white parakeet. I named it Marty McFly (from Back to the Future) because he could fly. Then we thought it might be a girl so I named her Marta and took her back to the store. We didn't want baby parakeets. We got another one I was pretty sure was a boy. I named him Cobalt. I think my sister suggested it when I was asking about names that mean blue.

     Cobalt and Winston became friends.

     I guess I've had Cobalt for maybe about 2 years or something. I think he gets mad and squawks and flies around more than Winston.

     Now Winston and Cobalt hang out and chirp and eat and play together.

 P.S. Parakeets are also known as budgerigars

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